standard form
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Standard form — may refer to:*The more common name for scientific notation in British English *Canonical form … Wikipedia
standard form — normalizuotoji forma statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. normalized form; standard form vok. normalisierte Form, f rus. нормализованная форма, f; нормализованный вид, m pranc. forme normalisée, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
standard-form contract — ➔ contract1 * * * standard form contract UK US noun [C] UK HR, LAW ► a basic legal agreement that is used by an organization in many situations without allowing the employee, customer, etc. to make any changes: »Under English law the parties… … Financial and business terms
Standard Form 312 — (SF 312) is a non disclosure agreement required under Executive Order 13292 to be signed by employees of the U.S. Federal Government or one of its contractors when they are granted a security clearance for access to classified information. The… … Wikipedia
standard form contract — a contract that is not specially set out for the transaction in question but is drawn up in advance and applied to numerous transactions. Such contracts are not defined in the unfair contract terms Act 1977 but controlled by it. See McCrone v.… … Law dictionary
Standard form contract — Contract law Part o … Wikipedia
Standard Form Agreement — An agreement between a Client and a Euroclear Group ( I)CSD incorporating the relevant standard terms & conditions of that Euroclear Group ( I)CSD. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary … Financial and business terms
Standard Form Agreement — An agreement between a Client and a Euroclear Group (I)CSD incorporating the relevant standard terms & conditions of that Euroclear Group (I)CSD … Euroclear glossary
Frénicle standard form — A magic square is in Frénicle standard form, named for Bernard Frénicle de Bessy, if the following two conditions apply: # the element at position [1,1] (top left corner) is the smallest of the four corner elements; and # the element at position… … Wikipedia
Standard Spanish — or neutral Spanish is a linguistic variety, or lect, that is considered a correct educated standard for the Spanish language. Standard Spanish is not merely Spanish adjusted to fit in prescriptive molds dictated by a linguistic overseeing… … Wikipedia