sit in banc
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banc — /bangk/, n. Law. 1. the seat on which judges sit in court. 2. in banc, with all the judges of a court present; as a full court: a hearing in banc. [1250 1300; ME < OF < Gmc: bench] * * * … Universalium
en banc — also in banc also in bank /in baŋk, ä bä k/ adv or adj [Anglo French en banke, literally, on the bench]: with all judges or a quorum of judges present: in full court an en banc rehearing heard very few matters en banc H. B. Zobel Merriam Webster’ … Law dictionary
En banc — in banc , in banco or in bank is a French term used to refer to the hearing of a legal case where all judges of a court will hear the case, rather than a panel of them. [ [ Legal Definition of En Banc ] ] [http … Wikipedia
sitting en banc — sitting in bank or en banc A session of the court in which all judges or at least a quorum of judges sit and hear cases. Under current practice, the term is reserved almost exclusively for appellate courts and in this connection it is contrasted… … Black's law dictionary
sitting in bank or en banc — A session of the court in which all judges or at least a quorum of judges sit and hear cases. Under current practice, the term is reserved almost exclusively for appellate courts and in this connection it is contrasted with single justice sitting … Black's law dictionary
en banc — /an bank/on bonk/ L. Fr. In the bench. Full bench. Refers to a session where the entire membership of the court will participate in the decision rather than the regular quorum. In other countries, it is common for a court to have more members… … Black's law dictionary
en banc — /an bank/on bonk/ L. Fr. In the bench. Full bench. Refers to a session where the entire membership of the court will participate in the decision rather than the regular quorum. In other countries, it is common for a court to have more members… … Black's law dictionary
Common law — For other uses, see Common law (disambiguation). Common law (also known as case law or precedent) is law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals rather than through legislative statutes or executive branch action. A… … Wikipedia
Court of Appeals of Virginia — The Court of Appeals of Virginia, established January 1, 1985, is an eleven judge body that hears appeals from decisions of Virginia s circuit courts and the Virginia Workers Compensation Commission. The Court sits in panels of at least three… … Wikipedia
Galite Islands — The Galite Islands (Arabic Jazirat Jalitah ) are a rocky group of islands of volcanic origin that belong to Bizerte Governorate, northern Tunisia. They are located 38 km northwest of Cape Serrat, the closest point of the Tunesian mainland coast,… … Wikipedia