
A transfer of the property in a chattel for a consideration. Edward v Ioor, 205 Mich 617, 172 NW 620, 15 ALR 256. A transfer of personal property at a fixed money price payable in cash or in goods. Hartwig v Rushing, 93 Or 6, 182 P 177. A transfer of the title to personal property for money. 46 Am J1st Sales § 2. For tax purposes, a bona fide transfer of property for an amount of money or a money equivalent which is fixed or determinable. Gregory v Helvering, 293 US 465, 79 L Ed 596, 56 S Ct 266, 97 ALR 1355. A transfer of the general or absolute, as distinguished from a special, property in a thing, for a price in money. Union Secur. v Merchants' Trust & Sav. Co. 205 Ind 127, 185 NE 150, 95 ALR 1189. But sometimes inclusive, as in the case of a conditional "sale," of a transaction which does not effect an absolute transfer of title. Carter v Slavick Jewelry Co. (CA9 Cal) 26 F2d 571, 58 ALR 1043. A term inclusive of the sale of securities. People v Gillett, 243 Ill App 41. A term also applied very frequently to the transaction under a land contract as well as to a conveyance by deed for a consideration. Fox v Adrian Realty Co. 327 Mich 89, 41 NW2d 486, 15 ALR2d 1037. See bulk sale; conditional sale; futures.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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