Res propria est quae communis non est

Res propria est quae communis non est
That is one's own which does not belong to the community. Under the Civil law, the goods "propres" are those which belong to the wife personally, and of which the fruits and revenues only enter into the community; the "conquets" are all those of which the principal or capital, as well as the fruits and income which they produce, enter the community. The fruits and income of the "propres," as well of the husband as of the wife, are also called "conquets-' because they form a portion of the goods of the community. Le Breton v Miles (NY) 8 Paige Ch 261, 269. (Civil law.) Public things; things which belong to the public; things which are free to every member of the state. See Mackeldey's Roman Law § 170.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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