representation by counsel

representation by counsel
Having legal counsel, especially in an action, proceeding, or criminal prosecution. The constitutional right of a person accused of crime to be assisted by counsel in his defense. 21 Am J2d Crim L §§ 309 et seq.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • right to counsel — noun assistance of counsel, guaranty to be represented, right of representation, right to consult an attorney, right to legal assistance, Sixth Amendment Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 right to counsel …   Law dictionary

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  • Pro se legal representation in the United States/temp — Pro se legal representation refers to the instance of a person representing himself or herself without a lawyer in a court proceeding, whether as a defendant or a plaintiff and whether the matter is civil or criminal. In the United States, such… …   Wikipedia

  • effective assistance of counsel — The right of a criminal defendant or appellant to have competent legal representation, whether the lawyer was appointed by the court or retained by the defendant. In general, competent legal representation is without errors that would result in… …   Law dictionary

  • Right to counsel — is nowadays generally regarded as a constituent of the right to a fair trial, allowing for the defendant to be assisted by counsel (i.e. lawyers), and if he cannot afford his own lawyer, requiring that the government should appoint one for him,… …   Wikipedia

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