release deed

release deed
A deed of quitclaim. 23 Am J2d Deeds § 16. Formerly, the term seems to have been applied only to deeds conveying all the right, title and interest of the grantor to a grantee who already had some estate in possession in the land released, but in modern usage it is not one of the essentials of a release deed that the grantee shall already have some right, title or interest in the property released. The term is therefore now synonymous with the term quitclaim deed. Anno: 44 ALR 1269. Blackstone calls such a conveyance a "release" and says that releases may inure either by way of enlarging an estate; as where a life tenant receives a release of all his right from a remainderman, thus giving the life tenant an estate in fee; or releases may be by way of passing an estate; as where one of two coparceners releases all her right to the other, thus passing a fee simple of the whole. See 2 Bl Comm 324.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • release — I To discharge a claim one has against another, as for example in a tort case the plaintiff may discharge the liability of the defendant in return for a cash settlement. To lease again or grant new lease. See accord and satisfaction II A writing… …   Black's law dictionary

  • deed — A conveyance of realty; a writing signed by grantor, whereby title to realty is transferred from one to another. National Fire Ins. Co. v. Patterson, 170 Okl. 593, 41 P.2d 645, 647. A written instrument, signed, and delivered, by which one person …   Black's law dictionary

  • deed — A conveyance of realty; a writing signed by grantor, whereby title to realty is transferred from one to another. National Fire Ins. Co. v. Patterson, 170 Okl. 593, 41 P.2d 645, 647. A written instrument, signed, and delivered, by which one person …   Black's law dictionary

  • deed — Broadly defined, a writing sealed and delivered by the parties; in the modern sense, an instrument conveying real property or an interest therein. 23 Am J2d Deeds § 1. See absolute deed; bargain and sale; quitclaim deed; release and quitclaim;… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • deed of release — Formerly, the term seems to have been applied only to deeds conveying all the right, title, and interest of the grantor to a grantee who already had some estate in possession in the land released, but in modern usage it is not one of the… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • release by way of enlarging an estate — See release deed …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • release by way of passing an estate — See release deed …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • deed — 1 n 1: something done: act (1) my free act and deed 2: a written instrument by which a person transfers ownership of real property to another see also deliver …   Law dictionary

  • deed of release — index quitclaim, waiver Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 deed of release …   Law dictionary

  • release — re·lease 1 vt re·leased, re·leas·ing 1 a: to relieve or free from obligation, liability, or responsibility the debtor is released from all dischargeable debts b: to give up (a claim, title, or right) to the benefit of another person: surrender …   Law dictionary

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