regalia minora — in Scots law, rights adhering to the Crown but which can be alienated. Included are the rights of ferry, port and harbour. Ferry includes the right to prevent others from ferrying. Precious metals, forestry and highways are included. Highway is a … Law dictionary
regalia minora — See inter regalia … Black's law dictionary
regalia minora — See inter regalia … Black's law dictionary
Inter regalia (Scots law) — NOTOC DefinitionInter regalia (Scots Law) : something that inherently belongs to the sovereign. This may include property, privileges, or prerogatives. The term derives from Latin inter (among) and regalia (things of the king).This term is… … Wikipedia
inter regalia — /intar rageyl(i)ya/ In English law, among the things belonging to the sovereign. Among these are rights of salmon fishing, mines of gold and silver, forests, forfeitures, casualties of superiority, etc., which are called regalia minora, and may… … Black's law dictionary
inter regalia — /intar rageyl(i)ya/ In English law, among the things belonging to the sovereign. Among these are rights of salmon fishing, mines of gold and silver, forests, forfeitures, casualties of superiority, etc., which are called regalia minora, and may… … Black's law dictionary
minora regalia — /manors rageyl(i)ya/ In English law, the lesser prerogatives of the crown, including the rights of the revenue … Black's law dictionary
minora regalia — /manors rageyl(i)ya/ In English law, the lesser prerogatives of the crown, including the rights of the revenue … Black's law dictionary
minora regalia — Minor royal rights or prerogatives. These were principally the rights and prerogatives of the king which had to do with his revenue. The British constitution vested these rights or prerogatives in the king in order to support his dignity and… … Ballentine's law dictionary
majora regalia — /majors rageyl(i)ya/ The king s dignity, power, and royal prerogative, as opposed to his revenue, which is comprised in the minora regalia … Black's law dictionary