Quod habeant et teneant se semper bene...

Quod habeant et teneant se semper bene...
(Quod habeant et teneant se semper bene... in armis et equis ut decet et oportet; et quod sint semper prompti et bene parati ad servitium suum integrum nobis explendum et peragendum, cum semper opus adfuerit, secundum quod nobis debent de foedis et tenementis suis de jure facere) That they hold and keep themselves well equipped in arms and horses as is fit and proper, and that they be always ready and well prepared to discharge and render their whole service to us when there shall be need, according to what they ought to do for us by reason of their fees and tenements and by reason of the law. See 1 Bl Comm 410.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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