- Quod constat curiae opere testium non indiget
- That which is clear to the court does not require the exertion of witnesses.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
quod constat curiae opere testium non indiget — /kwod konstaet kyuriyiy owpariy testiyam non indajat/ That which appears to the court needs not the aid of witnesses … Black's law dictionary
proof — n [alteration of Middle English preove, from Old French preuve, from Late Latin proba, from Latin probare to prove] 1: the effect of evidence sufficient to persuade a reasonable person that a particular fact exists see also evidence 2: the… … Law dictionary
apparent — ap·par·ent adj 1: capable of being easily seen, perceived, or discovered apparent defects apparent ambiguity 2: having a right to succeed to a title or estate that cannot be defeated 3: appearing to one s senses and esp. one s vision or to one s… … Law dictionary
witness — wit·ness 1 n [Old English witnes knowledge, testimony, witness, from wit mind, sense, knowledge] 1 a: attestation of a fact or event in witness whereof the parties have executed this release b: evidence (as of the authenticity of a conveyance by… … Law dictionary