- Qui habet jurisdictionem absolvendi, habet jurisdictionem ligandi
- He who has jurisdiction to free or release, has jurisdiction to bind.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
qui habet jurisdictionem absolvendi, habet jurisdictionem ligandi — /kway heybat jurasdikshiyownam aebsolvenday, haebat jurasdikshiyownam lagaenday/ He who has jurisdiction to loosen, has jurisdiction to bind. Applied to writs of prohibition and consultation, as resting on a similar foundation … Black's law dictionary
jurisdiction — ju·ris·dic·tion /ˌju̇r əs dik shən/ n [Latin jurisdictio, from juris, genitive of jus law + dictio act of saying, from dicere to say] 1: the power, right, or authority to interpret, apply, and declare the law (as by rendering a decision) to be… … Law dictionary