quasi office

quasi office
The position of a candidate who has been nominated for an office, but has not yet been elected to that office. State ex rel. Rinder v Goff, 129 Wis 668, 109 NW 628.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • quasi-judicial office — A public office the incumbent of which exercises quasi judicial functions. A characterization of the office of attorney at law, he being an officer of the court. 7 Am J2d Attys § 3. See quasi judicial …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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  • office — A term of vague and variant import, the meaning of which varies necessarily with the context and the circumstances surrounding the use of the term. 42 Am J1st Pub Of § 2. A place wherein business is transacted. That function by virtue whereof a… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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