quasi corporation — n. a business which has operated as a corporation without completing the legal requirements, often in the period just before formal incorporation. See also: corporation, de facto corporation, quasi Law dictionary … Law dictionary
Quasi corporation — Qua si cor po*ra tion A corporation consisting of a person or body of persons invested with some of the qualities of an artificial person, though not expressly incorporated, esp. the official of certain municipal divisions such as counties,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
quasi-corporation — A business that operates as a corporation but has not completed the legal requirements, often in the period just before formal incorporation. Category: Business, LLCs & Corporations → LLCs, Corporations, Partnerships, etc. Nolo’s Plain English… … Law dictionary
Quasi corporation — A quasi corporation generally refers to an entity that exercises some of the functions of a corporation, but has not been granted separate legal personality by statute, particularly a public corporation with limited authority and powers such as a … Wikipedia
quasi corporation — noun : a public or municipal body or organization (as a county) not specifically incorporated or vested with all the usual powers of a corporation but exercising certain corporate functions and rights in connection with public duties … Useful english dictionary
quasi — qua·si 1 / kwā ˌzī, ˌsī; kwä zē, sē/ adj [Latin, as if, as it were, from quam as + si if]: having such a resemblance to another thing as to fall within its general category a quasi corporation quasi 2 adv: in some significant sense or degree… … Law dictionary
Quasi — Qua si [L.] As if; as though; as it were; in a manner sense or degree; having some resemblance to; qualified; used as an adjective, or a prefix with a noun or an adjective; as, a quasi contract, an implied contract, an obligation which has arisen … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
corporation — An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state. An association of persons created by statute as a legal entity. The law treats the corporation itself as a person which can sue and be sued. The… … Black's law dictionary
corporation — An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state. An association of persons created by statute as a legal entity. The law treats the corporation itself as a person which can sue and be sued. The… … Black's law dictionary
quasi — /kweysay/kwoziy/ As if; almost as it were; analogous to. This term is used in legal phraseology to indicate that one subject resembles another, with which it is compared, in certain characteristics, but that there are intrinsic and material… … Black's law dictionary