profert in curia

profert in curia
Producing a document in court for reading or attaching a copy thereof to the pleading. Germain v Wilgus (CA9 Cal) 67 F 597, 599.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • profert in curia — /profart an kyuriya(m)/ L. Lat. (Sometimes written profert in curiam.) He produces in court. In old practice, these words were inserted in a declaration, as an allegation that the plaintiff was ready to produce, or did actually produce, in court …   Black's law dictionary

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  • profert ad curiam — Same as profert in curia …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • profer or profert — prefer or profert /prowfar/ In old English law, an offer or proffer; an offer or endeavor to proceed in an action, by any man concerned to do so. A return made by a sheriff of his accounts into the exchequer; a payment made on such return. See… …   Black's law dictionary

  • profer — prefer or profert /prowfar/ In old English law, an offer or proffer; an offer or endeavor to proceed in an action, by any man concerned to do so. A return made by a sheriff of his accounts into the exchequer; a payment made on such return. See… …   Black's law dictionary

  • pro|fert — «PROH fuhrt», noun. Law. an exhibition of a record or paper in open court, or a formal allegation that it is so exhibited. ╂[< Latin prōfert (in cūriā) he produces (in court), third person present of prōferre bring forward < prō forth +… …   Useful english dictionary

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