- pro veritate
- For the truth; as true.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
ubi non est manifesta injustitia, judices habentu pro bonis viris, et judicatum pro veritate — /yuwbay non est maenafesta injastish(iy)a, juwdasiyz habentar prow bownas viras, et juwdakeytam prow vehrateytiy/ Where there is no manifest injustice, the judges are to be regarded as honest men, and their judgment as truth … Black's law dictionary
Ubi non est manifesta injustitia, judices habentur pro bonis viris, et judicatum pro veritate — Where there is no manifest injustice, judges ought to be regarded as honest men, and their judgment as truth … Ballentine's law dictionary
Res judicata pro veritate habetur — Procédure civile: la chose jugée est tenue pour vérité … Lexique de Termes Juridiques
RES IUDICATA PRO VERITATE ACCIPITUR (HABETUR) — – судебное решение принимается за истину … Советский юридический словарь
fictio est contra veritatem, sed pro veritate habetur — /fiksh(iy)ow est kontra vehrateytam, sed prow vehrateytiy habiydar/ Fiction is against the truth, but it is to be esteemed truth … Black's law dictionary
judicia sunt tanquam juris dicta, et pro veritate accipiuntur — /jadis(hXi)ya sant tsgkwam jiiras dikta, et prow vehrateytiy aksipiyantar/ Judgments are, as it were, the sayings of the law, and are received as truth … Black's law dictionary
judicium (semper) pro veritate accipitur — /jadis(hXi)yam (sempar) prow vehrateytiy aksipitar/ A judgment is always taken for truth [that is, as long as it stands in force it cannot be contradicted] … Black's law dictionary
fictio est contra veritatem, sed pro veritate habetur — /fiksh(iy)ow est kontra vehrateytam, sed prow vehrateytiy habiydar/ Fiction is against the truth, but it is to be esteemed truth … Black's law dictionary
judicia sunt tanquam juris dicta, et pro veritate accipiuntur — /jadis(hXi)ya sant tsgkwam jiiras dikta, et prow vehrateytiy aksipiyantar/ Judgments are, as it were, the sayings of the law, and are received as truth … Black's law dictionary
judicium (semper) pro veritate accipitur — /jadis(hXi)yam (sempar) prow vehrateytiy aksipitar/ A judgment is always taken for truth [that is, as long as it stands in force it cannot be contradicted] … Black's law dictionary