Privatum incommodum publico bono pensatur
- Privatum incommodum publico bono pensatur
Private inconvenience is compensated by the public welfare. The interest of the individual will not be permitted to stand in the way where the public good is concerned. Daniels v Homer, 139 NC 219, 51 SE 992.
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privatum incommodum publico bono pensatur — /praveytam inkomadam pablakow bownow penseytar/ Private inconvenience is made up for by public benefit … Black's law dictionary
public — pub·lic 1 adj 1 a: exposed to general view public indecency b: known or recognized by many or most people 2 a: of, relating to, or affecting all of the people or the whole area of a nation or state public statutes b: of or relating to a go … Law dictionary
private — pri·vate adj 1 a: intended for or restricted to the use of a particular person or group or class of persons: not available to the public a private park b: not related to, controlled by, or deriving from the state a private school 2 a: owned by or … Law dictionary
inconvenience — I verb annoy, be obstructive, be uncooperative, bother, disadvantage, discommode, displace, disturb, encumber, give trouble, hamper, hinder, impede, impose hardship, incommode, irritate, obstruct, stall, stand in the way, stymie, thwart, trouble … Law dictionary