pretermitted child

pretermitted child
See pretermitted heir.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • pretermitted child — A child born after a will is executed, who is not provided for by the will. Most states have laws that provide for a share of estate property to go to such children. Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations …   Law dictionary

  • pretermitted child — noun A child who would likely stand to inherit under a will, except that the testator did not know of the child at the time the will was written, usually because the child was not yet born. See Also: pretermitted heir, pretermitted spouse …   Wiktionary

  • child — n pl chil·dren 1: a son or daughter of any age and usu. including one formally adopted compare issue ◇ The word child as used in a statute or will is often held to include a stepchild, an illegitimate child, a person for whom one stands in loco… …   Law dictionary

  • Pretermitted heir — A pretermitted heir is a term used in the law of property to describe a person who would likely stand to inherit under a will, except that the testator (the person who wrote the will) did not know or did not know of the party at the time the will …   Wikipedia

  • pretermitted heir — noun A person who would likely stand to inherit under a will, except that the testator did not know of the party or of the relationship at the time the will was written. See Also: pretermitted child, pretermitted spouse …   Wiktionary

  • pretermitted spouse — noun A spouse who would likely stand to inherit under a will, but was not included in the will because he or she was not yet married to the testator at the time the will was written. See Also: elective share, pretermitted child, pretermitted heir …   Wiktionary

  • pretermitted heir — A child who is not mentioned in a will and whom the court believes was accidentally overlooked by the person who made the will. For example, a child born or adopted after the will is made may be deemed a pretermitted heir. If the court determines …   Law dictionary

  • child — child; Children Progeny; offspring of parentage. Unborn or recently born human being. Wilson v. Weaver, 358 F.Supp. 1147, 1154. At common law one who had not attained the age of fourteen years, though the meaning now varies in different statutes; …   Black's law dictionary

  • child — child; Children Progeny; offspring of parentage. Unborn or recently born human being. Wilson v. Weaver, 358 F.Supp. 1147, 1154. At common law one who had not attained the age of fourteen years, though the meaning now varies in different statutes; …   Black's law dictionary

  • pretermitted heir — One who as a child or descendant of another would have shared in the estate of the latter if the latter had died intestate but who is not named in or provided for by the will left by such ancestor. As to statutes respecting right of pretermitted… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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