- plenary power
- Power as broad as equity and justice require. London v Joslovitz, 279 App Div 280, 110 NYS2d 58.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Plenary power — A plenary power or plenary authority is the complete power of a governing body. The concept is also used in legal circles to define complete control in other circumstances, as in plenary authority over public funds, as opposed to limited… … Wikipedia
Plenary Power — the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature is empowered by use of its Plenary Power to prevent the application of a rule of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature where such application in a particular case would disturb… … Dictionary of ichthyology
Plenary — is an adjective related to the noun plenum carrying a general connotation of fullness. Plenary may refer to:*Plenary session or meeting, the part of a conference when all members of all parties are in attendance *Plenary power or plenary… … Wikipedia
plenary — ple·na·ry / plē nə rē, ple / adj: full and complete in every respect: as a: absolute (1) plenary power b: fully attended or constituted a plenary session of the legislature c: including a … Law dictionary
plenary — [plē′nə rē, plen′ərē] adj. [LL plenarius < L plenus, FULL1] 1. full; complete; absolute [plenary power] 2. for attendance by all members [a plenary session] plenarily [plē′nərə lē, plen′ərə lē] adv … English World dictionary
plenary — adjective (only before noun) formal 1 a plenary meeting is one that is attended by everyone who has a right to attend: The conference ended with a plenary debate. 2 plenary power or authority is complete and has no limit: The envoy was given… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
plenary — UK [ˈpliːnərɪ] / US [ˈplɪnərɪ] adjective 1) a) a plenary meeting is intended for all the people in a particular group a plenary session b) a plenary speaker talks about a subject to all the people at a particular meeting or a conference 2) formal … English dictionary
plenary — ple|na|ry [ plinəri ] adjective 1. ) a plenary meeting is intended for all the people in a particular group: a plenary session 2. ) FORMAL complete or unlimited: plenary power … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
plenary — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin plenarius, from Latin plenus full more at full Date: 15th century 1. complete in every respect ; absolute, unqualified < plenary power > 2. fully attended or constituted by all entitled to be… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Plenary Councils of Baltimore — Plenary Councils of Baltimore † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Plenary Councils of Baltimore While the ecclesiastical province of Baltimore comprised the whole territory of the American Republic, the provincial councils held in that city… … Catholic encyclopedia