per curiam opinion

per curiam opinion
An opinion of the court in which the judges or justices are all of one mind and the question involved is so clear that the opinion is not elaborated by an extended discussion of the supporting reasons. 20 Am J2d Cts § 72. "It is true this (decision) is criticized as only a per curiam opinion, but why it should have less weight for that reason is not clear." Western Union Tel. Co. v Houghton, 146 Pa 561, 23 A 248.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • per curiam opinion — see opinion Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • per curiam opinion — noun see per curiam decision …   Useful english dictionary

  • per curiam opinion — opinion of the majority of judges, ruling opinion …   English contemporary dictionary

  • per curiam decision — noun or per curiam opinion : a very brief usually unanimous opinion or decision of a court rendered without elaborate discussion of the principles or reasons therefor compare memorandum decision …   Useful english dictionary

  • per curiam — per cu·ri·am /pər kyu̇r ē ˌäm, ku̇r , əm/ adv or adj [Latin, by the court]: by the court as a whole rather than by a single justice and usu. without extended discussion a per curiam affirmance Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster …   Law dictionary

  • per curiam — [pər kyoor′ē am΄] [L] Law by the court: said of a judicial opinion presented as that of the entire court rather than that of any one judge …   English World dictionary

  • Per curiam decision — In law, a per curiam decision (or opinion or per curiam) is a ruling issued by an appellate court with multiple judges in which the decision rendered was made by the court acting as a whole.cite book|title=Black s Law Dictionary|editor=Bryan A.… …   Wikipedia

  • per curiam — /par kyuriyam/ By the court. A phrase used to distinguish an opinion of the whole court from an opinion written by any one judge. Sometimes it denotes an opinion written by the chief justice or presiding judge, or to a brief announcement of the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • per curiam — /peuhr kyoor ee am /, Law. noting an action taken by the court as a whole, esp. an anonymous opinion of the whole court, as contrasted with an opinion delivered in the name of a particular judge. [ < ML: lit., through the court] * * * …   Universalium

  • 2009 term per curiam opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States — The Supreme Court of the United States handed down nineteen per curiam opinions during its 2009 term, which began on October 5, 2009, and concluded October 3, 2010.[1] Because per curiam decisions are issued from the Court as an institution,… …   Wikipedia

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