
A gratuity paid by the government in recognition of past services in the Army or Navy. Dismukes v United States, 297 US 167, 80 L Ed 561, 56 S Ct 400, reh den 297 US 728, 80 L Ed 1011, 56 S Ct 594. A bounty or gratuity bestowed as a token of the government's benevolence. Anderson v United States (CA9 Wash) 205 F2d 326, 40 ALR2d 639. A regular allowance paid to an individual by government in consideration of services rendered, or in recognition of merit, civil or military. 40 Am J1st Pens § 3. A payment made to a widow, the children, or the dependents of a deceased serviceman. 40 Am J1st Pens § 12. A gratuitous payment made to an aged person. 40 Am J1st Pens § 7. A stated allowance or stipend made in consideration of past services or of the surrender of rights or emoluments, to one retired from service. Kneeland v Administrator, Unemployment Compensation Act, 138 Conn 630, 88 A2d 376, 32 ALR2d 896. A periodical payment of a fixed amount made to retired public and private employees by way of retirement pay, often from a fund accumulated by joint contributions of employer and employees. As to what constitutes a "pension" within meaning of federal statutes excluding actions on claims for pensions from jurisdiction of federal courts, see An no: 40 ALR2d 646. See mother's pension; teachers' pensions.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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