partition fence

partition fence
A fence erected on the boundary line between the lands of adjoining owners, where there is no road, alley, or the like between the lands. 35 Am J2d Fenc § 6. A common fence, that is, one of which each of the adjoining owners may make use in connection with the use made by him of his premises. The term does not apply to such fences as may be erected by each proprietor on his own land, though near and parallel to the boundary line. Jeffries v Burgin, 57 Mo 327, 329.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • fence — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. barrier, barricade, wall, stockade, paling, hedge, railing; slang, bagman or woman, receiver [of stolen goods]. v. i. en close; fight, thrust and parry; parry, evade; slang, bootleg, black market,… …   English dictionary for students

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  • partition — n 1. division, dividing, Inf. divvying up, subdivision, subdividing; apportionment, admeasurement, measuring off or out; allotment, allocation, assignment; meting out, portioning out, parceling out, dealing out, doling out, rationing out, Inf.… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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  • fence — A hedge, structure, or partition, erected for the purpose of inclosing a piece of land, or to divide a piece of land into distinct portions, or to separate two contiguous estates. An enclosure about a field or other space, or about any object;… …   Black's law dictionary

  • division fence — See partition fence …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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