apices juris

apices juris
Extremes; such can not be considered to be the law. State ex rel. Spillers v Johnston, 214 Mo 656, 113 SW 1083. The extremity of justice is injustice; right too rigid hardens into wrong. Caldwell v Ryan, 210 Mo 17, 108 SW 533.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • apices juris non sunt jus — apices juris non sunt jura [jus] /eypasiyz jiiras ndn sant jura (°jas)/ Extremities, or mere subtleties of law are not rules of law [are not law]. Legal principles must not be carried to their extreme consequences, without regard for equity and… …   Black's law dictionary

  • apices juris non sunt jura — [jus] /eypasiyz jiiras ndn sant jura (°jas)/ Extremities, or mere subtleties of law are not rules of law [are not law]. Legal principles must not be carried to their extreme consequences, without regard for equity and good sense. See apex juris …   Black's law dictionary

  • apices juris non sunt jus — apices juris non sunt jura [jus] /eypasiyz jiiras ndn sant jura (°jas)/ Extremities, or mere subtleties of law are not rules of law [are not law]. Legal principles must not be carried to their extreme consequences, without regard for equity and… …   Black's law dictionary

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  • inter apices juris — /inter eypasiyz jiiras/ Among the subtleties of the law. See apex juris …   Black's law dictionary

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