Nunc pro tunc — is a Latin expression in common legal use in the English language. It means Now for then. In general, a court ruling nunc pro tunc applies retroactively to correct an earlier ruling. Contents 1 Definition 1.1 Corporate application 1.2 IRS… … Wikipedia
nunc pro tunc entry — See nunc pro tunc judgment; nunc pro tunc order … Ballentine's law dictionary
judgment nunc pro tunc — See nunc pro tunc judgment … Ballentine's law dictionary
nunc pro tunc decree — A decree in equity comparable to a nunc pro tunc judgment … Ballentine's law dictionary
nunc pro tunc — / nəŋk ˌprō təŋk, nu̇ŋk ˌprō tu̇ŋk/ [New Latin]: now for then used in reference to a judicial or procedural act that corrects an omission in the record, has effect as of an earlier date, or takes place after a deadline has expired a nunc pro tunc … Law dictionary
nunc pro tunc — Latin for now for then this refers to changing back to an earlier date of an order, judgment or filing of a document. Such a retroactive re dating requires a court order which can be obtained by a showing that the earlier date would have been… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
nunc pro tunc — /nank prow tank/ Now for then. A phrase applied to acts allowed to be done after the time when they should be done, with a retroactive effect, i.e., with the same effect as if regularly done. Nunc pro tune entry is an entry made now of something… … Black's law dictionary
nunc pro tunc — |nu̇ŋkˌprōˈtu̇ŋk Etymology: New Latin : now for then used of a legal entry, judgment, or decree made currently to have effect as of an earlier date when it ought to have been made, done, or recorded … Useful english dictionary
judgment — A sense of knowledge sufficient to comprehend nature of transaction. Thomas v. Young, 57 App. D.C. 282, 22 F.2d 588, 590. An opinion or estimate. McClung Const. Co. v. Muncy, Tex.Civ.App., 65 S.W.2d 786, 790. The formation of an opinion or notion … Black's law dictionary
judgment — A sense of knowledge sufficient to comprehend nature of transaction. Thomas v. Young, 57 App. D.C. 282, 22 F.2d 588, 590. An opinion or estimate. McClung Const. Co. v. Muncy, Tex.Civ.App., 65 S.W.2d 786, 790. The formation of an opinion or notion … Black's law dictionary