normal school

normal school
A teachers' college. State Teachers College v Morris, 165 Miss 758, 144 So 374; Normal School Dist. v Painter, 102 Mo 464, 14 SW 938. A school particularly for the education and training of school teachers. 15 Am J2d Colleges § 4. Not a common or public school. 15 Am J2d Colleges § 1.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Normal school — Normal Nor mal (n[^o]r mal), a. [L. normalis, fr. norma rule, pattern, carpenter s square; prob. akin to noscere to know; cf. Gr. gnw rimos well known, gnw mwn gnomon, also, carpenter s square: cf. F. normal. See {Known}, and cf. {Abnormal},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Normal school — School School, n. [OE. scole, AS. sc?lu, L. schola, Gr. ? leisure, that in which leisure is employed, disputation, lecture, a school, probably from the same root as ?, the original sense being perhaps, a stopping, a resting. See {Scheme}.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • normal school — n. [based on Fr école normale] a school, usually with a two year program, for training high school graduates to be elementary schoolteachers …   English World dictionary

  • Normal school — A historic marker commemorating Florence State Teachers College in the United States, now the University of North Alabama, the oldest state supported teachers college south of the Ohio River. A normal school is a school created to train high… …   Wikipedia

  • normal school — (formerly) a school offering a two year course and certification to high school graduates preparing to be teachers, esp. elementary school teachers. Cf. teachers college. [1825 35] * * * ▪ teacher education also called  teachers college  or… …   Universalium

  • Normal School Historic District — U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. Historic district …   Wikipedia

  • Normal School for Colored Girls — Miner Normal School U.S. National Register of Historic Places …   Wikipedia

  • normal school — Synonyms and related words: academe, academia, alma mater, college, college of engineering, community college, degree granting institution, four year college, graduate school, institute of technology, ivied halls, journalism school, junior… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • normal school — nor′mal school n. edu a former school giving a two year program to high school graduates preparing to be teachers • Etymology: 1825–35 …   From formal English to slang

  • normal school — noun Etymology: translation of French école normale; from the fact that the first French school so named was intended to serve as a model Date: 1838 a usually 2 year school for training chiefly elementary teachers …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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