- Non videtur vim facere, qui jure suo utitur, et ordinaria actione experitur
- (Civil law.) He is not deemed to use force who exercises his own right and sues in an ordinary action.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
non videtur vim facere, qui jure suo utitur et ordinaria actione experitur — /non vadiytar vim feysariy kway juriy s(y)uwow yuwtatar et ordaneriya aekshiyowniy ekspiratar/ He is not deemed to use force who exercises his own right, and proceeds by ordinary action … Black's law dictionary
non videtur vim facere, qui jure suo utitur et ordinaria actione experitur — /non vadiytar vim feysariy kway juriy s(y)uwow yuwtatar et ordaneriya aekshiyowniy ekspiratar/ He is not deemed to use force who exercises his own right, and proceeds by ordinary action … Black's law dictionary