Non in regno Angliae providetur, vel est aliqua...

Non in regno Angliae providetur, vel est aliqua...
(Non in regno Angliae providetur, vel est aliqua securitas major vel solennior, per quam aliquis statum certiorem habere possit, neque ad statum suum verificandum aliquid solennius testimonium producere, quam finem in curia domini regis levatum; quidem finis sic vocatur, ed quod finis et consummatio omnium placitorum esse debet, et hac de causa providebatur) In the kingdom of England there is not provided any greater or more solemn security by which one can have a more certain title, nor can any evidence more solemn be produced for confirming his title than by a fine levied in the king's court. It is called a fine because it is the finish and the consummation of all suits, and it was provided for that reason. See 2 Bl Comm 349.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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