Nigrum nunquam excedere debet rubrum
- Nigrum nunquam excedere debet rubrum
The black should never depart from or go beyond the red, meaning that, the black ink text of the statute should not include matters which are not referred to in the red ink title.
Ballentine's law dictionary.
Anderson, W.S..
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nigrum nunquam excedere debet rubrum — /naygram narjkwam aksiydariy debat ruwbram/ The black should never go beyond the red [i.e., the text of a statute should never be read in a sense more comprehensive than the rubric, or title] … Black's law dictionary
nigrum nunquam excedere debet rubrum — /naygram narjkwam aksiydariy debat ruwbram/ The black should never go beyond the red [i.e., the text of a statute should never be read in a sense more comprehensive than the rubric, or title] … Black's law dictionary