Nemo potest contra recordum verificare per patriam

Nemo potest contra recordum verificare per patriam
No one can prove by the country contrary to a record.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • nemo potest contra recordum verificare per patriam — /niymow powtast kdntra rakordam vehrafakeriy par paetriyam/ No one can verify by the country against a record. The issue upon matter of record cannot be to the jury. A maxim of old practice …   Black's law dictionary

  • nemo potest contra recordum verificare per patriam — /niymow powtast kdntra rakordam vehrafakeriy par paetriyam/ No one can verify by the country against a record. The issue upon matter of record cannot be to the jury. A maxim of old practice …   Black's law dictionary

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