mandatory statute

mandatory statute
A statute which leaves nothing to the discretion of the court in respect of compliance with its terms; a statute which relates to matters of substance, affects substantial rights, and is of the very essence of the thing required to be done. 1 Am J2d Admin L § 45; 50 Am J1st Stat §§ 180 et seq. A "mandatory provision" in a statute is one which if not followed renders the proceeding to which it relates illegal and void. State v Parnell, 109 Ohio St 246, 142 NE 611.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • mandatory provision — See mandatory clause; mandatory constitutional provision; mandatory statute …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Mandatory arbitration — is a contract policy that prevents a conflict from receiving judicial attention. In a mandatory arbitration, liability for damages must be determined as a result of an arbitration process before a civil lawsuit can be filed in the court system.… …   Wikipedia

  • statute — A formal written enactment of a legislative body, whether federal, state, city, or county. An act of the legislature declaring, commanding, or prohibiting something; a particular law enacted and established by the will of the legislative… …   Black's law dictionary

  • mandatory — /maendat(a)riy/ adj. Containing a command; preceptive; imperative; peremptory; obligatory See also mandatory injunction @ mandatory instructions See jury instructions @ mandatory presumption (presumption) @ mandatory sentencing See sentence @… …   Black's law dictionary

  • mandatory — /maendat(a)riy/ adj. Containing a command; preceptive; imperative; peremptory; obligatory See also mandatory injunction @ mandatory instructions See jury instructions @ mandatory presumption (presumption) @ mandatory sentencing See sentence @… …   Black's law dictionary

  • mandatory sentence — noun a criminal sentence of a predetermined minimum period of time which a judge is required by statute to impose upon a conviction for a crime …   Wiktionary

  • imperative statute — A mandatory statute; that is, one which plainly commands something to be done or refrained from, as distinguished from a statute which is merely directory and hence leaves a choice between doing or not …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Anti-Gag Statute — The anti gag statute is a little known legal boundary in the long struggle between Executive branch secrecy and Congress and the public’s right to know. [cite web | title=Justice Department Opens NSA Leak Probe |… …   Wikipedia

  • directory part of a statute — The part which directs that which is to be done or not to be done, the other parts being the declaratory and vindicatory portions. 50 Am J1st Stat § 151. The provision of a statute which is directory or permissive, as distinguished from mandatory …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • affirmative statute — A statute couched in affirmative or mandatory terms. One which directs the doing of an act, or declares what shall be done; as a negative statute is one which prohibits a thing from being done, or declares what shall not be done …   Black's law dictionary

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