- lex loci sitae rei
- The law of the place where the property lies. Crapo v Kelly (US) 16 Wall 610, 21 L Ed 430, 438.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Lex loci rei sitae — The lex loci rei sitae (Latin: law of the place where the property is situated) is a doctrine which states that the law governing the transfer of title to property is dependent upon, and varies with, the location of the property for the purposes… … Wikipedia
Lex loci — In Conflict of Laws, the term lex loci (Latin for the law of the place )Eugene Ehrich, Amo, Amas, Amat and More , p. 170, ISBN 0 06 272017 1.] is a shorthand version of the choice of law rules that determine the lex causae .The relevant rules are … Wikipedia
Lex loci rei sitae — La Lex loci rei sitæ es una locución latina utilizada en el Derecho internacional privado, que significa ‘la ley del lugar de donde los bienes estén situados’. Es una doctrina que indica que la ley aplicable a la transferencia de los bienes… … Wikipedia Español
lex loci rei sitae — /leks lowsay riyay saytiy/ The law of the place where a thing or subject matter is situated. The title to realty or question of real estate law can be affected only by the law of the place where the realty is situated. Golden v. Alexander, 141… … Black's law dictionary
lex loci rei sitae — /leks lowsay riyay saytiy/ The law of the place where a thing or subject matter is situated. The title to realty or question of real estate law can be affected only by the law of the place where the realty is situated. Golden v. Alexander, 141… … Black's law dictionary
lex loci rei sitae — The law of the place where the subject matter is situated … Ballentine's law dictionary
lex loci rei sitae — … Useful english dictionary
Lex — f. (Plural Leges, lateinisch für „Gesetz“) ist ein Begriff aus dem Römischen Reich, der im weiteren Sinne jede Rechtsvorschrift bezeichnet, im engeren Sinne jedoch nur die Rechtsvorschriften, die einen bestimmten Weg durchlaufen hatten. Ursprung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lex situs — The term lex situs (Latin) refers to the law of the place in which property is situated for the purposes of the Conflict of laws. For example, property may subject to tax pursuant to the law of the place of the property or by virtue of the… … Wikipedia
lex rei sitae — /leks riyay saytiy/ The law of the place of situation of the thing. It is said to be an inexact mode of expression; lex situs, or lex loci rei sites are better … Black's law dictionary