letters of administration

letters of administration
The official exemplification of the record of the appointment of an administrator of a decedent's estate by the court. 31 Am J Ex & Ad § 89. Letters granted to a person by a probate court evidencing such person's authority to act as administrator of the estate of a person who has died without leaving a valid will. Mutual Ben. Life Ins. Co. v Tisdale, 91 US (I Otto) 238, 23 L Ed 314.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • letters of administration — see letter 2 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. letters of administration …   Law dictionary

  • Letters of Administration — are granted by a Surrogate Court or probate registry to appoint appropriate people to deal with a deceased person s estate where property will pass under Intestacy Rules or where there are no executors living (and willing and able to act) having… …   Wikipedia

  • letters of administration — ˌletters of adminiˈstration noun [plural] LAW in Britain, a document giving someone the authority to make sure that the property of a dead person is given to the people who have the legal right to receive it, for example those who are named in a… …   Financial and business terms

  • letters of administration — n. Law a document issued by the probate court or some officer who has authority, directing a person to administer the goods or property of a dead person …   English World dictionary

  • Letters of administration — Letter Let ter, n. [OE. lettre, F. lettre, OF. letre, fr. L. littera, litera, a letter; pl., an epistle, a writing, literature, fr. linere, litum, to besmear, to spread or rub over; because one of the earliest modes of writing was by graving the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • letters of administration D.B.N. — C.T.A. Document issued by probate court to one who is thereby authorized to administer estate in place of named executor in accordance with will of testator. See Letters of Administration C.T.A.; Letters of Administration D.B.N …   Black's law dictionary

  • letters of administration D.B.N. — C.T.A. Document issued by probate court to one who is thereby authorized to administer estate in place of named executor in accordance with will of testator. See Letters of Administration C.T.A.; Letters of Administration D.B.N …   Black's law dictionary

  • letters of administration with will annexed — England, Wales The grant of representation obtained by the personal representative of a deceased person s estate, where the deceased did not appoint an executor in his will (or where the appointed executor is unable or unwilling to act) …   Law dictionary

  • letters of administration with the will annexed — Letters of administration issued in case no executor is appointed in the will or in case the person appointed in the will cannot qualify or refuses to do so …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • joint letters of administration — Letters of administration granted and issued to two or more persons jointly. 31 Am J2d Ex & Ad § 45 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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