- justice court
- A term erroneously applied at times to a justice's court, the court of a justice of the peace.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
justice court — n: justice of the peace court Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
justice court — noun or justice s court : an inferior court not of record having limited criminal or civil jurisdiction, presided over by a justice of the peace, and existing in some states from which appeal usually may be claimed … Useful english dictionary
Youth Justice Court — The Youth Justice Court of the Northern Territory is an Australian court which hears and determines cases concerning crimes committed by children under the age of 18 years in the Northern Territory. Colonial timesThe treatment of juvenile… … Wikipedia
District Justice Court — n: a court in Pennsylvania having limited jurisdiction over minor civil and criminal cases Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
court — / kōrt/ n [Old French, enclosed space, royal entourage, court of justice, from Latin cohort cohors farmyard, armed force, retinue] 1 a: an official assembly for the administration of justice: a unit of the judicial branch of government the… … Law dictionary
Justice Courts — are courts in New York State, that handle traffic tickets, criminal matters, small claims and local code violations such as zoning. Though justice courts constitutionally are part of the New York State Unified Court System, state law generally… … Wikipedia
Court of Auditors — Official emblem … Wikipedia
Court — (k[=o]rt), n. [OF. court, curt, cort, F. cour, LL. cortis, fr. L. cohors, cors, chors, gen. cohortis, cortis, chortis, an inclosure, court, thing inclosed, crowd, throng; co + a root akin to Gr. chorto s inclosure, feeding place, and to E. garden … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Court breeding — Court Court (k[=o]rt), n. [OF. court, curt, cort, F. cour, LL. cortis, fr. L. cohors, cors, chors, gen. cohortis, cortis, chortis, an inclosure, court, thing inclosed, crowd, throng; co + a root akin to Gr. chorto s inclosure, feeding place, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Court card — Court Court (k[=o]rt), n. [OF. court, curt, cort, F. cour, LL. cortis, fr. L. cohors, cors, chors, gen. cohortis, cortis, chortis, an inclosure, court, thing inclosed, crowd, throng; co + a root akin to Gr. chorto s inclosure, feeding place, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English