- just claim
- A claim or demand enforceable in a court of justice. Bostwick v Mutual Life Ins. Co. 116 Wis 392, 92 NW 246.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
just claim — I noun contingent interest, in accordance with legal provisions, legitimate cause of action, legitimate legal issues, overwhelming proof, proper issues, strong basis, substantiated complaint, verifiable complaint II index cause of action, droit,… … Law dictionary
claim — n [Old French, from clamer to call, claim, from Latin clamare to shout, proclaim] 1 a: a demand for something (as money) due or believed to be due; specif: a demand for a benefit (as under the workers compensation law) or contractual payment (as… … Law dictionary
just — adj [Latin justus lawful, merited, from jus right, law]: conforming to law or to the underlying principles of law: as a: conforming to reason or a standard of correctness just sanctions cannot be excessive in relation to the offense b: conforming … Law dictionary
just — just1 /just/, adj. 1. guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairness: We hope to be just in our understanding of such difficult situations. 2. done or made according to principle; equitable; proper: a just reply. 3. based on right; rightful;… … Universalium
just — I. /dʒʌst / (say just) adjective 1. actuated by truth, justice, and lack of bias: to be just in one s dealings. 2. in accordance with true principles; equitable; even handed: a just award. 3. based on right; rightful; lawful: a just claim. 4.… …
just — I [[t]dʒʌst[/t]] adv. 1) within a brief preceding time; but a moment before: The sun just came out[/ex] 2) exactly or precisely: That s just what I mean[/ex] 3) by a narrow margin; barely: just over six feet tall[/ex] 4) only or merely: I was… … From formal English to slang
Just War — theory is a doctrine of military ethics of Roman philosophical and Catholic origin [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/war/ The first philosophers of just war were Aristotle and Cicero, and the first theologians St. Augustine and St. Thomas… … Wikipedia
Claim club — Claim clubs, also called Actual Settlers Associations or Squatters Clubs, were a nineteenth century phenomenon in the American West. Usually operating within a confined local jurisdiction, these pseudo governmental entities sought to regulate… … Wikipedia
Claim to Fame — Author(s) Margaret Peterson Haddix … Wikipedia
claim|ant — «KLAY muhnt», noun. a person who makes a claim: »A wise man will…know that it is a part of prudence to face every claimant, and pay every just demand on your time, your talents, or your heart (Emerson) … Useful english dictionary