- jus commune
- The common or public law. The common law of England, of the United States, and other countries who have derived it from England.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Jus commune — or ius commune is Latin for common law . It is often used by civil law jurists to refer to those aspects of the civil law system s invariate legal principles, sometimes called the law of the land in English law. ( Ius commune is distinct from the … Wikipedia
jus commune — Common law. Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations … Law dictionary
jus commune — /jas kamyuwniy/ In the Civil law, common right; the common and natural rule of right, as opposed to jus singular (q.v.). In English law, the common law, answering to the Saxon folcright … Black's law dictionary
jus commune — /jas kamyuwniy/ In the Civil law, common right; the common and natural rule of right, as opposed to jus singular (q.v.). In English law, the common law, answering to the Saxon folcright … Black's law dictionary
jus commune — kəˈmyü(ˌ)nē noun Etymology: Latin 1. : the common law of England 2. : the common or public law or right as opposed to the jus singulare established for special cases … Useful english dictionary
jus commune, et quasi gentium — The common law, and as it were the law of nations … Ballentine's law dictionary
Jus — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Extraction du liquide d un corps, le plus souvent pour en faire une boisson. Jus de fruit Jus de légumes Jus de sapho (boisson fictive de l univers de… … Wikipédia en Français
jus singulars — /jas siijgyaleriy/ In the civil law, a peculiar or individual rule, differing from the jus commune, or common rule of right, and established for some special reason … Black's law dictionary
jus singulars — /jas siijgyaleriy/ In the civil law, a peculiar or individual rule, differing from the jus commune, or common rule of right, and established for some special reason … Black's law dictionary
jus singulare — ˌsiŋgyəˈla(a)rē noun Etymology: Latin, individual law, particular law Roman & civil law : a law or right established for special cases as opposed to the jus commune … Useful english dictionary