allowance pendente lite

allowance pendente lite
An order for payment or distribution made prior to the termination of litigation, such as an order for temporary alimony or an order for payment of the income from the sum constituting the res in the proceeding, or even a division of a part of the res itself, where it is apparent that enforcement of the judgment or order ultimately rendered will not be jeopardized by such an allowance.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • allowance pendente lite — /slawans pendentiy laytiy/ The court ordered provision for a spouse and children during the pendency of a divorce or separate support proceeding. See also alimony …   Black's law dictionary

  • allowance pendente lite — /slawans pendentiy laytiy/ The court ordered provision for a spouse and children during the pendency of a divorce or separate support proceeding. See also alimony …   Black's law dictionary

  • pendente lite allowance — Allowance to a wife of temporary alimony, maintenance, suit money, and attorneys fees ordered for her maintenance pending litigation and to enable her to prepare her case in a suit for divorce or for alimony, support, separate maintenance,… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • alimony pendente lite — noun Etymology: Latin pendente lite pending suit : alimony granted pending a suit for divorce or separation to include a reasonable allowance for the prosecution of the suit called also temporary alimony …   Useful english dictionary

  • alimony — /jelamaniy/ Comes from Latin alimonia meaning sustenance, and means, therefore, the sustenance or support of the wife by her divorced husband and stems from the common law right of the wife to support by her husband. Allowances which husband or… …   Black's law dictionary

  • alimony — /jelamaniy/ Comes from Latin alimonia meaning sustenance, and means, therefore, the sustenance or support of the wife by her divorced husband and stems from the common law right of the wife to support by her husband. Allowances which husband or… …   Black's law dictionary

  • alimony — al·i·mo·ny / a lə ˌmō nē/ n [Latin alimonia sustenance, from alere to nourish] 1: an allowance made to one spouse by the other for support pending or after legal separation or divorce compare child support alimony in gross: lump sum alimony in… …   Law dictionary

  • Alimony — • In the common legal sense of the word, the allowance by order of the court a husband pays to his wife for her maintenance while she is living separately from him, or paid by her former husband to a divorced woman Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Illinois — • One of the United States of America, bounded on the north by Wisconsin, on the west by the Mississippi, which separates it from Iowa and Missouri, on the south by the confluent waters of the Mississippi and the Ohio, which separate it from… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • temporary alimony — An allowance made by the court, otherwise known as alimony pendente lite or alimony ad interim, to be paid by the husband for the maintenance of the wife during the pendency of a matrimonial action either by or against her. Richardson v… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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