John Doe action

John Doe action
An action brought against "John Doe" as an unknown uninsured motorist. 7 Am J2d Auto Ins § 137. Any action in which the defendant is designated as "John Doe," his real name being unknown to the plaintiff.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • John Doe — John Doe, weibliche Form: Jane Doe, ist ein englischer Platzhaltername für fiktive oder nicht identifizierte Personen. John war lange Zeit der häufigste englische Männername. Doe bezeichnet eine Hirschkuh. Der Begriff ist vor allem in den USA… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • John Doe — fictitious plaintiff in a legal action, attested from 1768 (in Blackstone). The fictitious defendant was Richard Roe. Replaced earlier John a nokes (1530s), who usually was paired with John a stiles. By 1852, John Doe was being used for any man… …   Etymology dictionary

  • John Doe — John John (j[o^]n), n. [See {Johannes}.] A proper name of a man. [1913 Webster] {John apple}, a sort of apple ripe about St. John s Day. Same as {Apple john}. {John Bull}, an ideal personification of the typical characteristics of an Englishman,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • John Doe and Richard Roe — noun Imaginary plaintiff and opponent in the old legal action for ejectment, proverbial as a legal fiction • • • Main Entry: ↑John …   Useful english dictionary

  • John Doe — The name John Doe is used as a placeholder name for a male party, in a legal action, case or discussion, whose true identity is either unknown or must be withheld for legal reasons. The name is also used to refer to a male corpse or hospital… …   Wikipedia

  • John Doe (épisode de Prison Break) — Un simple inconnu Épisode de Prison Break Un simple inconnu Titre original John Doe Épisode Saison 2 Épisode 14 Invité(s) K. K. Dodds (Susan Hollander), Jeff Perry, Lester Rasta Speight …   Wikipédia en Français

  • John Doe (Prison Break episode) — Infobox Television episode Title = John Doe Series = Prison Break Caption = Lincoln holds Kellerman at gunpoint Season = 2 Episode = 14 Airdate = January 22, 2007 Production = 2AKJ14 Guests = Daniel Allar, K. K. Dodds, Jeff Perry, Lester Rasta… …   Wikipedia

  • John Doe — A fictitious name frequently used to indicate a person for the purpose of argument or illustration, or in the course of enforcing a fiction in the law. The name which was usually given to the fictitious lessee of the plaintiff in the mixed action …   Black's law dictionary

  • John Doe — A fictitious name frequently used to indicate a person for the purpose of argument or illustration, or in the course of enforcing a fiction in the law. The name which was usually given to the fictitious lessee of the plaintiff in the mixed action …   Black's law dictionary

  • John Doe (Se7en) — Seven (film) « Se7en » redirige ici. Pour le chanteur sud coréen, voir Se7en (chanteur). Pour les articles homonymes, voir Seven …   Wikipédia en Français

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