
Intervention. In a distinct sense, a fully discredited and disavowed concept that the United States is a compact of states, any one of which may interpose its sovereignty against the enforcement within its orders of any decision of the Supreme Court or Act of Congress, irrespective of the fact that the constitutionality of the act has been established by a decision of the Supreme Court, and that, a state having so acted, the law or decision is not enforceable in the interposing state until approved by an amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Bush v Orleans Parish School Board (DC La) 188 F Supp 916, affd per curiam op 365 US 569, 5 L Ed 2d 806, 81 S Ct 754. See intervening cause; intervention. inter praesentes. Among or between persons present. interpret. To construe; to explain; to expound; to translate from a foreign language.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • interposition — [ ɛ̃tɛrpozisjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1160, rare av. XVIe; lat. interpositio 1 ♦ Situation d un corps interposé entre deux autres. Interposition de la Lune entre le Soleil et la Terre. 2 ♦ Dr. Interposition de personne : procédé juridique faisant appel à une …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Interposition — Interposition, in the context of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, refers to an asserted right of U.S. states to protect their individual interests from federal violation or any abridgement of states rights deemed by those states to be… …   Wikipedia

  • interposition — Interposition. s. f. L estat, la situation d un corps interposé entre deux autres. L interposition de la Terre entre le Soleil & la Lune. l interposition de la Lune entre le Soleil & la Terre. l interposition d un nuage empesche que les rayons du …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • interposition — Interposition, Interpositio. L interposition de jugement, Diiudicatio. Par interposition de temps, Per interualla …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Interposition — In ter*po*si tion (?; 277), n. [L. interpositio a putting between, insertion, fr. interponere, interpositum: cf. F. interposition. See {Interpone}, {Position}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of interposing, or the state of being interposed; a being,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • interposition — I noun arbitration, insertion, intercalation, intercession, intercurrence, interjacence, interjection, mterlocation, intermediation, interpenetration, interposure, interruption, intervention, introduction, negotiation II index arbitration,… …   Law dictionary

  • interposition — (n.) late 14c., from O.Fr. interposicion (12c.), from L. interpositionem (nom. interpositio), noun of action from pp. stem of interponere to put between, place among; put forward, from inter (see INTER (Cf. inter )) + ponere (see POSITION (Cf.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • interposition — [in΄tər pə zish′ən] n. [ME interposicioun < OFr interposicion < L interpositio < pp. of interponere: see INTERPOSE] 1. an interposing or being interposed 2. a thing interposed ☆ 3. the disputed doctrine that a state may reject a federal… …   English World dictionary

  • interposition — (in tèr pô zi sion ; en vers, de six syllabes) s. f. 1°   Situation d un corps interposé entre deux autres. •   Pareilles interpositions causent les éclipses, BALZ. Disc. à la régente.. •   Wallis fut le premier qui crut que la longue… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • INTERPOSITION — s. f. Etat, situation d un corps interposé entre deux autres. L interposition de la terre entre le soleil et la lune. L interposition de la lune entre le soleil et la terre. L interposition d un nuage empêche que les rayons du soleil ne viennent… …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

  • INTERPOSITION — n. f. état, situation d’un corps interposé entre deux autres. L’interposition de la terre entre le soleil et la lune. L’interposition de la lune entre le soleil et la terre. L’interposition d’un nuage empêche que les rayons du soleil ne viennent… …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)

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