- allegans
- Alleging.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
allegans contraria non est audiendus — /slagabnz kantreriya non est odiyendas/ On alleging contrary or contradictory things (whose statements contradict each other) is not to be heard. Applied to the statements of a witness … Black's law dictionary
allegans suam turpitudinem non est audiendus — /aebgaenz s(y)uwam tsrpatyuwdsnsm non est odiyendas/ One who alleges his own infamy is not to be heard … Black's law dictionary
allegans contraria non est audiendus — /slagabnz kantreriya non est odiyendas/ On alleging contrary or contradictory things (whose statements contradict each other) is not to be heard. Applied to the statements of a witness … Black's law dictionary
allegans suam turpitudinem non est audiendus — /aebgaenz s(y)uwam tsrpatyuwdsnsm non est odiyendas/ One who alleges his own infamy is not to be heard … Black's law dictionary
Allegans contraria non est audiendus — Contradictory statements will not be listened to. Galbraith v Tracy, 153 111 54, 38 NE 937 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Nemo auditur propriam turpitudinem allegans — is a civil law maxim[1] which may be translated into English as no one can be heard to invoke his own turpitude [2] or no one shall be heard, who invokes his own guilt [3] The maxim operated with another, in pari causa turpitudinis cessat… … Wikipedia
Nemo auditur propriam turpitudinem allegans — est une expression latine peut se traduire par : « nul ne peut se prévaloir de sa propre turpitude ». Sommaire 1 En droit 2 Ailleurs 3 Voir aussi 3.1 Lien externe … Wikipédia en Français
Nemo auditur propriam turpidinem allegans — Droit civil, procédure civile: personne n est entendu par un juge lorsqu il allègue sa propre turpitude … Lexique de Termes Juridiques
nemo allegans suam turpitudinem audiendus est — /niymow aelagaenz s(y)uwam tarpat(y)uwdanam odiyendas est/ No one alleging his own turpitude is to be heard as a witness. This is not a rule of evidence, but applies to a party seeking to enforce a right founded on an illegal consideration … Black's law dictionary
nemo allegans suam turpitudinem audiendus est — /niymow aelagaenz s(y)uwam tarpat(y)uwdanam odiyendas est/ No one alleging his own turpitude is to be heard as a witness. This is not a rule of evidence, but applies to a party seeking to enforce a right founded on an illegal consideration … Black's law dictionary