- Iniquissima pax est anteponenda justissimo bello
- A most unfavorable peace is to be preferred to a war which is most just. Root v Stuyvesant (NY) 18 Wend 257, 305.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
iniquissima pax est anteponenda justissimo bello — /inikwisama packs est aentapanenda jastisamow below/ The most unjust peace is to be preferred to the justest war … Black's law dictionary
iniquissima pax est anteponenda justissimo bello — /inikwisama packs est aentapanenda jastisamow below/ The most unjust peace is to be preferred to the justest war … Black's law dictionary