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haereditas, alia corporalis, alia incorporalis; corporalis est, quae tangi potest et videri; incorporalis quae tangi non potest nee videri — /haredatses eyl(i)ya korpareylas eyl(i)ya inkorpareylas; korpareylas est, kwiy taenjay powtast et vadiray; inkorpareylas kwiy taenjay non powdast nek vadiray/ An inheritance is either corporeal or incorporeal. Corporeal is that which can be… … Black's law dictionary
haereditas, alia corporalis, alia incorporalis; corporalis est, quae tangi potest et videri; incorporalis quae tangi non potest nee videri — /haredatses eyl(i)ya korpareylas eyl(i)ya inkorpareylas; korpareylas est, kwiy taenjay powtast et vadiray; inkorpareylas kwiy taenjay non powdast nek vadiray/ An inheritance is either corporeal or incorporeal. Corporeal is that which can be… … Black's law dictionary
Haereditas, alia corporalis, alia incorporalis; corporalis est, quae tangi potest et videri; incorporalis quae tangi non potest nec videri — An inheritance is either corporeal or incorporeal; corporeal is that which can be touched or seen; incorporeal is that which can neither be touched nor seen … Ballentine's law dictionary
incorporel — incorporel, elle [ ɛ̃kɔrpɔrɛl ] adj. • 1160; lat. incorporalis 1 ♦ Qui n a pas de corps, qui n est pas matériel. ⇒ immatériel. L âme est incorporelle. 2 ♦ Dr. Biens incorporels : tous les droits, sauf le droit de propriété. ♢ Fin. Éléments… … Encyclopédie Universelle
incorporelle — ● incorporel, incorporelle adjectif (latin incorporalis) Littéraire. Qui n a pas de corps, n est pas matériel. ● incorporel, incorporelle (expressions) adjectif (latin incorporalis) Bien incorporel, bien qui n a pas d existence matérielle mais… … Encyclopédie Universelle
incorporeal — in·cor·po·re·al /ˌin kȯr pōr ē əl/ adj: not tangible: having no material body or form incorporeal hereditaments an incorporeal right compare corporeal Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
inheritance — in·her·i·tance /in her ə təns/ n 1: the act of inheriting: as a: the acquisition of real or personal property under the laws of intestacy or sometimes by will b: the succession upon the death of an owner either by will or by operation of law to… … Law dictionary
ДУША — [греч. ψυχή], вместе с телом образует состав человека (см. статьи Дихотомизм, Антропология), будучи при этом самостоятельным началом; Д. человека заключает образ Божий (по мнению одних отцов Церкви; по мнению других образ Божий заключен во всем… … Православная энциклопедия
Incorporal — In*cor po*ral, a. [L. incorporalis. See {In } not, and {Corporal}, and cf. {Incorporeal}.] Immaterial; incorporeal; spiritual. [Obs.] Sir W. Raleigh. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Doketismus — Der Ausdruck Doketismus (griechisch δοκεῖν dokein „scheinen“) bezeichnet die Lehre, Jesus Christus habe nur scheinbar einen physischen Körper gehabt und am Kreuz auch keine Leiden empfunden. Die in verschiedenen frühchristlichen Gruppen… … Deutsch Wikipedia