incompetent person

incompetent person
Literally and broadly, one lacking competency, physical or mental. Usually having reference in the law to an insane or feeble-minded person; a person lacking the mental capacity to make a contract or engage in business transactions. Sometimes inclusive of any one incapacitated for the making of a contract or the transaction of business, whether his incapacity arises from mental unsoundness or infancy. Walgreen Co. v Industrial Cem. 323 Ill 194, 153 NE 831, 48 ALR 1199, 1202. See incompetency; spendthrift.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • incompetent person — noun someone who is not competent to take effective action • Syn: ↑incompetent • Hypernyms: ↑unskilled person • Hyponyms: ↑bungler, ↑blunderer, ↑fumbler, ↑bu …   Useful english dictionary

  • incompetent — (adj.) 1610s, insufficient, from Fr. incompétent, from L.L. incompetentem (nom. incompetens) insufficient, from in not (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + L. competentem (see COMPETENT (Cf. competent)). Sense of lacking qualification or ability first… …   Etymology dictionary

  • incompetent — [in käm′pə tənt] adj. [Fr incompétent < LL incompetens: see IN 2 & COMPETENT] 1. without adequate ability, knowledge, fitness, etc.; failing to meet requirements; incapable; unskillful 2. not legally qualified 3. lacking strength and… …   English World dictionary

  • incompetent — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not sufficiently skilful to do something successfully. 2) Law not qualified to act in a particular capacity. ► NOUN ▪ an incompetent person. DERIVATIVES incompetence noun incompetency noun incompetently adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • incompetent — incompetently, adv. /in kom pi teuhnt/, adj. 1. not competent; lacking qualification or ability; incapable: an incompetent candidate. 2. characterized by or showing incompetence: His incompetent acting ruined the play. 3. Law. a. being unable or… …   Universalium

  • incompetent — /ɪnˈkɒmpətənt / (say in kompuhtuhnt) adjective 1. not competent; lacking qualification or ability: an incompetent candidate. 2. characterised by or showing incompetence. 3. Law not legally qualified; inadmissible, as evidence. 4. (of the cervix)… …  

  • incompetent — adj. & n. adj. 1 (often foll. by to + infin.) not qualified or able to perform a particular task or function (an incompetent builder). 2 showing a lack of skill (an incompetent performance). 3 Med. (esp. of a valve or sphincter) not able to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • incompetent — in com·pe·tent || ɪn kÉ‘mpɪtÉ™nt / kÉ’m n. incapable person, incompetent person; one who is not legally qualified (Law) adj. incapable; unfit, inadequate; inexpert; lacking power to act with legal effectiveness (Law) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • incompetent — adjective 1》 not sufficiently skilful to do something successfully. 2》 Law not qualified to act in a particular capacity. noun an incompetent person. Derivatives incompetence noun incompetency noun incompetently adverb …   English new terms dictionary

  • incompetent — in•com•pe•tent [[t]ɪnˈkɒm pɪ tənt[/t]] adj. 1) lacking qualification or ability; incapable 2) characterized by or showing incompetence 3) law not legally qualified 4) an incompetent person, as one who is mentally deficient • Etymology: 1590–1600; …   From formal English to slang

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