- incipitur
- It is begun.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
incipitur — /insipstsr/ It is begun; it begins. In old practice, when the pleadings in an action at law, instead of being recited at large on the issue roll, were set out merely by their commencements, this was described as entering the incipitur; i.e., the… … Black's law dictionary
incipitur — /insipstsr/ It is begun; it begins. In old practice, when the pleadings in an action at law, instead of being recited at large on the issue roll, were set out merely by their commencements, this was described as entering the incipitur; i.e., the… … Black's law dictionary
Фобурдон — (франц. fauxbourdon букв. «ложный бурдон»; позднелат. faburdon, faulxbourdon, также раздельно faulx bourdon), 1) техники композиции в многоголосной музыке западной Европы, главным образом, XV XVI веков; 2) жанр инструментальной… … Википедия
Salamander reiben — Salamander reiben, bei den deutschen Studenten eine eigenthümliche Art u. Weise auf die Gesundheit Jemandes od. bei Gelegenheit irgend einer Feier zu trinken, woran alle bei dem Trinkgelage Versammelten Theil nehmen. Derjenige, welcher die… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
CHORUS — I. CHORUS pars Comediae, una ex accessoriis, inter actum et actum: vel pars est, post actum introducta cum concentu. Dicebatur autem sic primo, multitudo canentium saltantiumque cum tibicine: idque antiquitus circa aras Deûm, Virg. aen. l. 6. v.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
NEBULA — inter metcora infimae regionis notissima, memoratur Plinio l. 2. c. 60. quam densam in bello maximi momenti esse, discimus cx Livio l. 22. c. 4. ubi de Flaminio Consule ab Annibale circumvento, Eo magis, ait, Romanis subita atque improvisa res… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
issue roll — In English practice, a roll upon which the issue in actions at law was formerly required to be entered, the roll being entitled of the term in which the issue was joined. It was not, however, the practice to enter the issue at full length, if… … Black's law dictionary
judgment paper — In English practice, a sheet of paper containing an incipitur of the pleadings in an action at law, upon which final judgment is signed by the master … Black's law dictionary
issue roll — In English practice, a roll upon which the issue in actions at law was formerly required to be entered, the roll being entitled of the term in which the issue was joined. It was not, however, the practice to enter the issue at full length, if… … Black's law dictionary
judgment paper — In English practice, a sheet of paper containing an incipitur of the pleadings in an action at law, upon which final judgment is signed by the master … Black's law dictionary