in the cepit
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replevin in the cepit — An action of replevin for goods which have been wrongfully taken, as distinguished from replevin to recover goods which have been wrongfully withheld … Ballentine's law dictionary
cepit in alio loco — /siypat an eyliyow lowkow/ In old pleading, a plea in replevin, by which the defendant alleges that he took the thing replevied in another place than that mentioned in the declaration … Black's law dictionary
cepit in alio loco — /siypat an eyliyow lowkow/ In old pleading, a plea in replevin, by which the defendant alleges that he took the thing replevied in another place than that mentioned in the declaration … Black's law dictionary
cepit et abduxit — /siypat at abdaksat/ He took and led away. The emphatic words in writs in trespass or indictments for larceny, where the thing taken was a living chattel, i.e., an animal … Black's law dictionary
cepit et abduxit — /siypat at abdaksat/ He took and led away. The emphatic words in writs in trespass or indictments for larceny, where the thing taken was a living chattel, i.e., an animal … Black's law dictionary
cepit — /siypat/ He took. This was the characteristic word employed in (Latin) writs of trespass for goods taken, and in declarations in trespass and replevin. In criminal practice, formerly a technical word necessary in an indictment for larceny … Black's law dictionary
cepit et asportavit — /siypat at aesparteyvat/ He took and carried away. Applicable in a declaration in trespass or an indictment for larceny where the defendant has carried away goods without right. 4 Bl.Comm. 231 … Black's law dictionary
cepit — /siypat/ He took. This was the characteristic word employed in (Latin) writs of trespass for goods taken, and in declarations in trespass and replevin. In criminal practice, formerly a technical word necessary in an indictment for larceny … Black's law dictionary
cepit et asportavit — /siypat at aesparteyvat/ He took and carried away. Applicable in a declaration in trespass or an indictment for larceny where the defendant has carried away goods without right. 4 Bl.Comm. 231 … Black's law dictionary
Language of the New Testament — The mainstream consensus is that the New Testament was written in a form of Koine Greek,[1][2] which was the common language of the Eastern Mediterranean[3][4][5][6] from the Conquests of Alexander th … Wikipedia