In fraudem legis facit, qui salvis verbis legis, sententiam ejus circumvenit
- In fraudem legis facit, qui salvis verbis legis, sententiam ejus circumvenit
He works a fraud upon the law, who, observing the letter of the law, circumvents its spirit. State ex rel. Matthews v Forsyth, 147 Ind 466, 44 NE 593.
Ballentine's law dictionary.
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contra legem facit qui id facit quod lex prohibet; in fraudem vero qui, salvis verbis legis, sententiam ejus circumvenit — /kontra liyjam feysat kway id feysat kwod leks prahibat; in frqdam virow kway, saelvas varbas liyjas, sentensh(iy)am iyjas sarkamriynat/ He does contrary to the law who does what the law prohibits; he acts in fraud of the law who, the letter of… … Black's law dictionary
contra legem facit qui id facit quod lex prohibet; in fraudem vero qui, salvis verbis legis, sententiam ejus circumvenit — /kontra liyjam feysat kway id feysat kwod leks prahibat; in frqdam virow kway, saelvas varbas liyjas, sentensh(iy)am iyjas sarkamriynat/ He does contrary to the law who does what the law prohibits; he acts in fraud of the law who, the letter of… … Black's law dictionary
Contra legem facit qui id facit quod lex prohibet; in fraudem vero qui, salvis verbis legis, sententiam ejus circumvenit — He who does what the law prohibits acts contrary to law; he who acts in fraud of it, the letter of the law being inviolate, cheats the spirit of it … Ballentine's law dictionary