- Hoc paratus est verificare
- This he is ready to verify.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
hoc paratus est verificare — /hok pareytas est verafakeriy/ Lat. This he is ready to verify … Black's law dictionary
hoc paratus est verificare — /hok pareytas est verafakeriy/ Lat. This he is ready to verify … Black's law dictionary
Hoc paratus est verificare per recordum — This he is ready to verify by the record … Ballentine's law dictionary
et hoc paratus est verificare — /et hok pareytas est vehrafakeriy/ And this he is prepared to verify. The Latin form of concluding a plea in confession and avoidance; that is, where the defendant has confessed all that the plaintiff has set forth, and has pleaded new matter in… … Black's law dictionary
et hoc paratus est verificare — /et hok pareytas est vehrafakeriy/ And this he is prepared to verify. The Latin form of concluding a plea in confession and avoidance; that is, where the defendant has confessed all that the plaintiff has set forth, and has pleaded new matter in… … Black's law dictionary
et hoc paratus est verificare — And this he is ready to verify; that is, to prove … Ballentine's law dictionary