heirs and assigns — n. A phrase used in conveying an estate in fee simple, used to define and limit the class of people who can inherit the estate. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
assigns — n. People who receive property from an assignor. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. assigns n. The plural of assignee … Law dictionary
heirs — /erz/ At common law, the person appointed by law to succeed to the estate in case of intestacy. One who inherits property, whether real or personal. A person who succeeds, by the rules of law, to an estate in lands, tenements, or hereditaments,… … Black's law dictionary
heirs — /erz/ At common law, the person appointed by law to succeed to the estate in case of intestacy. One who inherits property, whether real or personal. A person who succeeds, by the rules of law, to an estate in lands, tenements, or hereditaments,… … Black's law dictionary
assigns — /ə saɪnz/ plural noun people to whom property has been assigned ♦ his heirs and assigns the people who have inherited his property and had it transferred to them … Dictionary of banking and finance
assigns — Assignees; those to whom property is, will, or may be assigned. Used e.g. in the phrase, in deeds, heirs, administrators, and assigns to denote the assignable nature of the interest or right created. It generally comprehends all those who take… … Black's law dictionary
assigns — Assignees; those to whom property is, will, or may be assigned. Used e.g. in the phrase, in deeds, heirs, administrators, and assigns to denote the assignable nature of the interest or right created. It generally comprehends all those who take… … Black's law dictionary
Hobart and William Smith Colleges — Seals of the two colleges Established 1822/1908 … Wikipedia
to have and to hold — The words in a conveyance which show the estate intended to be conveyed. Thus, in a conveyance of land in fee simple, the grant is to A. and his heirs, to have and to hold the said [land] unto and to the use of the said A., his heirs and assigns… … Black's law dictionary
his heirs — See heirs; heirs and assigns … Ballentine's law dictionary