haeres necessarius

haeres necessarius
Singular of haeredes necessarii.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • haeres necessarius — /hiriyz nesaseriyas/ In the civil law, a necessary or compulsory heir. This name was given to the heir when, being a slave, he was named heir in the testament, because on the death of the testator, whether he would or not, he at once became free …   Black's law dictionary

  • haeres necessarius — /hiriyz nesaseriyas/ In the civil law, a necessary or compulsory heir. This name was given to the heir when, being a slave, he was named heir in the testament, because on the death of the testator, whether he would or not, he at once became free …   Black's law dictionary

  • HAERES — I. HAERES Dea, cui vett. post acceptam hereditatem rem divinam faciebant. Festus. II. HAERES an ex haerendo in hereditate, an ex Hebr. possidere, an ab aere, an ab hero, quod herus fiat, dominio in se translato? dictus, ante Solonem, extra gentem …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Hēres — (Haeres, lat., vom altlat. erus, »Hausvater«), der Erbe; h. ab intestato, gesetzlicher Erbe, Intestaterbe; h. ex asse, der alleinige Erbe eines ganten Nachlasses; h. institutus, eingesetzter testamentarischer Erbe; h. necessarius, der, welcher… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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