
A lawyer who sends an item of business accepted from a client to another lawyer, usually a lawyer at a distance, who, by reason of jurisdictional considerations or of proximity to a party or the subject matter of the business, can handle it more expeditiously. 7 Am J2d Attys § 259. One who, without owning or controlling the actual means of carriage, such as ships, railroad cars, etc., arranges for the transportation of the goods of a consignor in the ships or vehicles of an actual carrier. Anno: 141 ALR 919; 93 L Ed 831. With the appearance of the practice by railroad companies of offering shippers greatly reduced freight rates for shipments in carload quantities, a modern concept of the term "forwarder" arose, as one who picked up the less-than-a-carload shipment at the shipper's place of business and engaged to deliver it safely at its ultimate destination, charging a rate covering the entire transportation and making its profit by consolidating the shipment with others in carload quantities to take advantage of the spread between the carload rates paid by him to the railroad company and the higher rates, approximating less-than-carload rates, which he charged the various shippers. United States v Chicago Heights Trucking Co. 310 US 344, 84 L Ed 1243, 60 S Ct 931.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Forwarder — For ward*er, n. 1. One who forwards or promotes; a promoter. Udall. [1913 Webster] 2. One who sends forward anything; specifically, (Com.) one who transmits goods; a forwarding merchant, such as a freight forwarder. [1913 Webster +PJC] 3.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • forwarder — Person or business whose business it is to receive goods for further handling by way of warehousing, packing, carload shipping, delivery, etc. See forwarding agent freight forwarder …   Black's law dictionary

  • forwarder — Person or business whose business it is to receive goods for further handling by way of warehousing, packing, carload shipping, delivery, etc. See forwarding agent freight forwarder …   Black's law dictionary

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