foreign consul

foreign consul
See consul; exequatur.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Foreign relations of the Philippines — is administered by the Philippines President and the nation s Department of Foreign Affairs. Much of the republic s international relations are dominated by the Philippines ties to the United States, of which the Philippines was historically a… …   Wikipedia

  • consul — con‧sul [ˈkɒnsl ǁ ˈkɑːn ] also Consul noun [countable] a representative of a government who lives in a foreign country in order to help and protect the citizens of their own country who go there, and to do work connected with trade between the… …   Financial and business terms

  • consul — late 14c., magistrate in ancient Rome, from O.Fr. consule and directly from L. consul magistrate in ancient Rome, probably originally one who consults the Senate, from consulere to deliberate, take counsel (see CONSULTATION (Cf. consultation)).… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Consul — Con sul (k[o^]n s[u^]l), n. [L., prob. fr. consulere to deliberate. See {Consult}.] 1. (Rom. Antiq.) One of the two chief magistrates of the republic. [1913 Webster] Note: They were chosen annually, originally from the patricians only, but later… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Consul general — Consul Con sul (k[o^]n s[u^]l), n. [L., prob. fr. consulere to deliberate. See {Consult}.] 1. (Rom. Antiq.) One of the two chief magistrates of the republic. [1913 Webster] Note: They were chosen annually, originally from the patricians only, but …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • consul — con·sul / kän səl/ n: an official appointed by a government to reside in a foreign country in order to represent the commercial interests of citizens of the appointing country con·su·lar / sə lər/ adj con·sul·ship n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary… …   Law dictionary

  • consul — ► NOUN 1) a state official living in a foreign city and protecting the state s citizens and interests there. 2) (in ancient Rome) one of two elected chief magistrates who ruled the republic jointly for a year. DERIVATIVES consular adjective… …   English terms dictionary

  • consul — [kän′səl] n. [OFr < L consulere, to deliberate, take counsel: see CONSULT] 1. either of the two chief magistrates of the ancient Roman republic 2. one of the three highest officials of the French republic from 1799 to 1804 3. a person… …   English World dictionary

  • Consul (representative) — Consulate and honorary consul redirect here. For the Graham Greene novel, see The Honorary Consul. For the uses of consul as the chief magistrate of a city state, see Consul. The political title Consul is used for the official representatives of… …   Wikipedia

  • consul — consular, adj. consulship, n. /kon seuhl/, n. 1. an official appointed by the government of one country to look after its commercial interests and the welfare of its citizens in another country. 2. either of the two chief magistrates of the… …   Universalium

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