fine sur cognizance de droit come ceo que il ad de son done

fine sur cognizance de droit come ceo que il ad de son done
A fine of land upon the acknowledgment of the right (of the cognizee) as that which he has by the gift (of his cognizor); wherein the cognizor acknowledges his gift of the land to the plaintiff, the cognizee. This was the best and surest kind of a fine; for thereby the deforciant, in order to keep his covenant with the plaintiff, of conveying to him the lands in question, and at the same time to avoid the formality of an actual feoffment and livery, acknowledged in court a former feoffment, or gift in possession, to have been made by him to the plaintiff. See 2 Bl Comm 352.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • executed fine — The fine sur cognizance de droit, come ceo que il ad de son done; or a fine upon acknowledgment of the right of the cognizee, as that which he has of the gift of the cognizor. Abolished in England by 3 & 4 Wm. IV, c. 74 …   Black's law dictionary

  • executed fine — The fine sur cognizance de droit, come ceo que il ad de son done; or a fine upon acknowledgment of the right of the cognizee, as that which he has of the gift of the cognizor. Abolished in England by 3 & 4 Wm. IV, c. 74 …   Black's law dictionary

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