- feudum laicum
- A lay fee.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
feudum laicum — /fyuwdam leyakam/ A lay fee … Black's law dictionary
feudum laicum — /fyuwdam leyakam/ A lay fee … Black's law dictionary
laicum — See feudum laicum … Ballentine's law dictionary
feodum — /fyuwdam/ This word (meaning a feud or fee) is the one most commonly used by the older English law writers, though its equivalent, feudum (q.v.), is used generally by the more modern writers and by the feudal law writers. There were various… … Black's law dictionary
feodum — /fyuwdam/ This word (meaning a feud or fee) is the one most commonly used by the older English law writers, though its equivalent, feudum (q.v.), is used generally by the more modern writers and by the feudal law writers. There were various… … Black's law dictionary